The artist painting live at the Carlos Gardel House Museum
The artist painting live at the Carlos Gardel House Museum
Museo Casa Carlos Gardel - Oil Exhibition
Museo Casa Carlos Gardel - Oil Exhibition
Exhibition in Posadas (Misiones)
Exhibition in Posadas (Misiones)
Exhibition in Posadas (Misiones)
Saide next to Volver
Note for TELESUR - News from Venezuela
Note to the artist on the night of the Museums
Saide Abdalá in the mausoleum of Carlos Gardel - Chacarita
Saide Abdalá in the mausoleum of Carlos Gardel - Chacarita
Original Journal from 1935
Saide Abdalá next to Hugo Marcel
Saide Abdalá next to Victor Camara
Saide Abdalá and Bruno Cespi (Collector)
Saide between her paintings
Saide with the president of the Tango Academy Gabriel Soria
Teatro Real Exhibition - Córdoba
Saide next to Juan Adrian Ratti and Nelly Omar, artistic godmother
Tribute in Abasto Shopping with Atilio Stampone
Teatro Real Exhibition - Córdoba